Paulo Roberto Lacerda Tavares

Paulo Roberto

Water Resources

He has a degree in Civil Engineering from the Federal University of Ceará (2002), a Master’s degree in Civil Engineering (Water Resources) from the Federal University of Ceará (2005) and a PhD in Civil Engineering (Water Resources) from the Federal University of Ceará (2010). He is currently Adjunct Professor IV of the Federal University of Cariri, in the undergraduate course in Civil Engineering and professor of the Postgraduate Program in Civil Engineering – Area of Water Resource Concentration of the Department of Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering of the Federal University of Ceará. He is the leader of the Hydroinformatics Research Group: development and applications. He has experience in Civil Engineering, with emphasis in Hydraulic Engineering, working mainly in the following subjects: Computational Modeling of Groundwater Flow; Hydrological and Hydraulic Modeling of Rivers; Water Supply and Urban Drainage Networks.