CONVITE: Palestra “Groundwater modelling in semi-arid areas: examples of constraints, limits and interests”
A Pós-Graduação convida você para participar da Palestra “Groundwater modelling in semi-arid areas: examples of constraints, limits and interests” no dia 13 de agosto de 2019 as 14h no Auditório do POSDEHA com o professor Christian Leduc do Instituto de Pesquisa pelo Desenvolvimento, Marseille, France IRD com foco em Hidrologia e Hidrogeologia.

“Semi-arid regions present important hydrogeological specificities, especially the strong heterogeneity of physical processes in time and over space, the weakness of water fluxes and the data scarcity. These major characteristics are important constraints for the acquisition and interpretation of field data, but also for the modelling of groundwater flow. Using examples taken from different surveys in various semi-arid countries, mostly in Africa, this presentation emphasizes the necessary precautions in the modelling work, that can be considered simultaneously as a test of the data consistency, a support for the choice between possible assumptions and a help for the water management.”